Social Chat App 2 Social Chat App 2 Chat App 2
This chat app is mainly used for B2B websites,chat between users and sellers to use
British indian ocean territory
Splash Screen
1.Display the Name of the App
Navigation Bar (Shortcut Tabs)

2.Special Packages


4.Vacation Planning
Home Page (Landing Screen)
1.Why SLU Panels(include Complete info and Related Video)

2.Reach Here Panels(include How to get here,Travel information panels)

3.How to get here panel

4.Calendar months with Ticket fairs in How to get here panel

5.Map Image (showing location to reach at SLU) in How to get here panel

6.Travel information panel

7.Specific category in Travel information panel: (Gives the small description with all the categories, including Airlines, Departure Tax, Ports, Airport Development Charge, Domestic Travel within the Island, Service Charges & Tax, Airports, Electricity, Shopping, Automobile Rental, Emergency Telephone Numbers, Taxis, Banking, Entry Requirements, Telecommunications, Churches, Geography, Time, Credit Cards, Government, Tipping, Crime Health, Tourist Information, Currency, Hospitals, Weather, Custom

8.Travel Agent panels

9.Description in Travel Agent panel

10.Suggestions in Travel Agent (include List of agents with contact info)

11.Search (via zip code ) in Travel Agent panel(include Form with general fields)

12.Google Map with Pointers (locating the agents) in Travel Agent panel

13.Travel Operator panel
·List view of all the operators (with contact info), Search for tour operators based on the specialty (areas that they are proficient in)
·Travel Agent deals on travel to st. lucia

14.Explore Panels

15.Adventures & activities in Explore Panel

16.The Adventures & activities display the contents(include Relative Article and Related Pictures)

17.The Adventures & activities is in order to participate(Respective Form needs to be filled, Add reviews or comments on Adventures or Activities)

18.Calendar of events in Explore Panel

19.family escapes in Explore Panel

20.restaurants & bars in Explore Panel

21.Rodney bay village in Explore Panel

22.romance in Explore Panel

23.health & wellness in Explore Panel

24.wedding & honeymoons in Explore Panel

25.Resorts panels

26.Resort Overview in Resorts panels(include Resort listing, Detail page, Images, Overview, Amenities, Bars/restaurants, Activities, Specials, Get Directions, Link to Google Map)

27.Features & packages in Resorts panels detail page

28.Features & packages(Paid Featured advertising on App, View featured packages based on special-ties like honeymoon, family, boutique,food, aqua fun, hospitality etc.

29.All Inclusive in Resorts panels(include Images/ Gallery, Overview, Amenities, Bars/restaurants, Activities, Specials)

30.Boutique in Resorts panels(include Images/ Gallery, Overview, Amenities, Bars/restaurants, Activities, Specials)

31.Apartments in Resorts panels(include Images/ Gallery, Overview, Amenities, Bars/restaurants, Activities, Specials)

32.Guest Houses in Resorts panels(All the listings and the respective screen will be same as above)

33.Other parts in Resorts panels(include Small Hotels, Villas, Luxury, Rodney Bay Village and Sandals )

34.Vacation Planning Tracker panel(places to go, things to see, where to eat, etc.User can add /edit list,a Name list, Save list for future)

35.Communities panels

36.Links & PR panel(include links & pr, list of links )

37.Contact panel(listing of cntact info )

38.Visitor Guide panel(The user can request for a guide, By filling up respective form)

39.Social Media Links(facebook, twitter, youtube)
Admin Control Panel
1.All the data of the app will be saved on the central database. Admin will be able to manage data by using web based content management System (CMS) admin panel. Data will be synced with app through webservices. Admin will update data and it will be populated on the apps through web services. Webservices creation is only one time labor and it can be used to develop this app for all mobile platforms like iPad, Android, BB and Windows; but for this phases (our project) we will use it in our iPhone

2.Content Management System(Manage Content of Static pages, Manage Content of apps)

3.Sub-admin user management(if site owner wants more than one admin then he can give the privileges and grant some of the rolls to other person, he will handle only some spe-cific tasks. The sub admin has to register in the system and only when the super Admin will give him this privilege)Include Register sub-admin user, Generate login detail to sub-admin, Provide access of admin area.
1.Find your Friend (Social Network)in Communities panels( Lets the user to join a network of group of people roaming around there or had visited the location. This will be like the social network model integrated with the current features. Helps the stranger groups to know each other and to visit the place together. )

2.Login/register in Find your Friend panel(Sign up through Facebook/Twitter, Enter Email Address/Password, Verification mail will be sent to email address provided. )

3.My Account in Communities panel (View Account Details, Edit Details, Change Password, Connect to Facebook )

4.Messages and Inbox in Communities panel (History of messages with date and time )

5.Friends in Communities panel (Show the listing of all the added members)

6.Chat in Communities panel (text message only)

7.Near Around in Communities panel(GPS tracker tuned on, Show small history of area tracked by GPS. People can learn about the island whiles they explore.Shows the current location of the members with the popu-lar near around locations pointers (show on the map as pointer), Show the other members on the pointer ( in a specific range)

8.Phone in Communities panel( The friends can call each other (but via carrier services))

9.Poke in Communities panel

10.Status Updates in Communities panel(Status shown on the profile, Word limitation (like 100) )

11.Photos in Communities panel(Upload the photos to their Profile, All the members can see it, Photos must be of travelling related only, The admin can verify it / or simply a message will notify the user to upload the related content only)

12.Sign Out in Communities panel
Quick Find Search(Map/Section)
1.Search by keywords or category(Nearest Restaurant:Bakery, Local Dishes, Etc.Where Am I Located: Show the pointers on the Google Map.Nearest Beach, Nearest Hotel, Resort, Villa, Etc. )

2.General Alerts (come while app browsing,include Live Chat, Booking Now)

3.Push Notification(The alerts will be generated when, Any new package will appear on the app, New badges or message info will be generated)