Social Chat App 2 Social Chat App 2 Chat App 2
This chat app is mainly used for B2B websites,chat between users and sellers to use
Key features1.Auto-detection of language base on user's geographical location (e.g. if users are in China, website will show words in "Chinese Simplified" in UTF-8), with option to translate to other languages using Google Translate: The main language of the website should be in English.
2.Auto-detection of currency base on the user's geographical location, with option to switch to other currency using Google's Currency Converter or other API.
3.Base on user's geographical location, home page to show the corresponding products features in that location (posted by local sellers), with option to switch to other countries or global.
4.Login, Actions linked to social media website e.g. facebook
5.Homepage to show “New”, “Best Sellers”, "Sale", "Sale Ending”, “Hot Deals (GroupBuy)”, “Featured (Advertised)”, "Freebies (ee$Reward items)",
6.Email notifications to be sent to the users whenever there is a update in transaction or feedback.
7.Items to be searchable by all search engines$Reward does not convert to real money, and is credited for rewarding user for activity online e.g. post items, update status, writing review etc)
9.Website statistics using Google Analytics:
10.Refer friends
11.Single url (e.g. to link to the user's shop which will features user's homepage (as above without the “Advertised items”)
12.Allow Guest user to purchase items without registering
Key Search features1.Search filter - What, Who, Where – by country, Category, Price range, Barcode/Serial
2.Search results sort by – Title, Price, Review Score, Listing date from/to
3.Browse by Category
Key pages1.Home page (global or by geographical location or user’s shop)
2.User Info page with hide/show Review
3.Item page (same for Item edit) for buyer and seller, with hide/show Review
4.Cart (Transaction/Order) page for buyer and seller, showing the respective current and previous transactions (history)
5.Batch items upload page for seller, which also list all the seller items uploaded, with simple search and filter & sort
6.Batch items upload for any user page for administrator, which also list all the items uploaded, with simple search and filter & sort
7.User management page for administrator, with simple search and filter & sort
8.Notification page for user, with filter & sort
9.Wish list page for user
10.Others where necessary…
Database Tables1.User :
ID, Image, Full Name, Email, Password, DateOfBirth, Gender, Address (City, State, ZIP/Postal code???), Country, Contact, ee$ - web currency default to S$, Bank Name, Bank Account Number, CreditCardNumber, CreditCardType, CCV, CreditCardExpiry, PayPalID???, AdSubscription, Status (Pending Email Activation, Active, Suspended), ee$Reward, FreeToShipAmount,
2.Item :
ID, Barcode, Title, Description – WYSIWYG i.e. What You See Is What You Get, Price, Discount, DiscountExpiryDate, Quantity, Seller ID, DateTimeListed, Status (pending reviewed, listed, OutOfStock, not listed, blocked - by administrator, restricted - show only to users >= 18yrs old), Allowee$Reward?, PremiumListing, GroupBuy (minimum to deal), CouponCode, CouponDiscount, CouponExpiry ;
(System item – for seller
3.Category (One item can belong to multiple category):
Item ID, Name
4.Item image (One item can have multiple images):
Item ID, ImageByte
5.Item option (One item can have multiple options):
Item ID, Label, ID;
(System option – Shipping)
6.Option choice (Each option can have multiple choices):
Option ID, Label, Price ;
E.g. Option is Shipping: Choice By SingPost $10, DHL, $30, Option is Color: Choice is Black, Red, Blue etc
7.Wishlist (One user can have multiple wish items):
User ID, Item ID
ID, User/Item ID, Review, ReviewType (Good+1/Bad-1/Neutral-0), Posted by User ID, ReplyToID;
(E.g. 1a. User A wrote Review Y on Item Z sold by User B. Database entry will be “Y, Z, review…, 1, A, null (1st thread)”);
(E.g. 1b. User B can reply X to the Review Y. Database entry will be “X, Z, reply…, null, B, Y”);
(E.g. 2a. User A wrote Review E on User B.
9.Cart (Transaction/Order):
ID, Buyer ID, CartPrice (Sum of Sellers’ SubTotal), Payment Type (Pay upon collection, CreditCard, ee$, bank_transfer, ee$Reward), Payment Reference, Remark, DateTime,
10.Cart item (One Cart, multiple Items):nbsp;
Cart ID, Item ID, TotalItemPrice (Item Price + Option Choice Price + …, exclude Shipping), Quantity, Status(BuyerPaid$?/SellerReceived$?/Shipped/BuyerReceivedItem?/Cancelled?), Shipping Reference(Tracking number), ShipToName, ShipToContact, ShipToAddress (City, State, ZIP/Postal code???), Remark;
(If Multiple Items belong to same Seller ID and Seller’s Mult
User ID, Message, LinkToAction (shortcut to Review ID, Item ID, User ID, Cart ID)